Bus Stations

How to Request a Megabus Refund
If you have paid for a Megabus ticket but cannot make it, you may be entitled to a refund. If you cancel at least 24 hours before departure, you may be able to request a refund. Otherwise, you can complain to the bus company. However, you should keep in mind...
Megabus Cancellation - How to Get a Refund
If you have purchased tickets for a Megabus trip and it is cancelled or delayed, you may be wondering how to get a refund. While you cannot receive a refund, you may be able to exchange your tickets for another bus trip. You can also trade your ticket online...
Megabus Reviews - What to Look For in a Megabus Review
Megabus reviews can help you decide whether or not to ride this company`s buses. This is an excellent way to tell people how the company operates, as well as to give you tips on how to improve service. The reviews posted by other passengers will help you decide...
Megabus Wi-Fi
Megabus has implemented Wi-Fi in the vast majority of its transit vehicles. These Wi-Fi connections maintain minimum 3G speeds and are compatible with nearly any wireless-enabled device. Laptops, smart phones, and tablets can all use the free Wi-Fi service...