How to Find East West North South Directions on Google Maps

This article describes how to find east west north south directions on Google maps. In addition to providing a map's location, it covers three-figure bearings and the Mercator projection. You can use the compass widget to find direction. The compass needle icon is displayed in the upper right corner of the map and always points north. By learning to use the compass widget on Google Maps, you will be able to navigate with ease.

How to find East West North South directions on Google Maps

In the top right corner of Google Maps, you can click on the compass icon. It will update to show true north and then disappear. If you're trying to find directions from a specific location, you can use the sunrise and sunset times. They indicate the direction to face when you're at that location. You can also look up the time in Google Maps using your GPS coordinates. If you're headed north, look up the compass icon. It's a white double arrow in the top right corner of your screen. If you're heading south, the blue beam icon points toward the south, while pointing upwards shows you're heading east. The compass icon can also be found in other directions if you're not sure which direction you're going.

Three-figure bearings

To find the direction of a point, the four main directions are East, North, and South. The half way point between each of these directions is called North-East. South-West and North-East are directions that are also used by airline pilots and ship helmsmen. Similarly, the three-figure bearing of an object is expressed as 090deg for east, and 90deg for west. A three-figure bearing is a direction given in a horizontal plane. It is the angle a point will move based on the measurement. If the position of the object is unknown, use the bearing as a guide to find the direction. A typical example is when a cyclist needs to know the direction of a destination. After 20km, a cyclist needs to know the direction of a certain destination.

Mercator projection

Mercator projection is an elongated version of the standard map that distorts the size of land masses and objects as latitude increases. It is used mostly for nautical navigation, and is the standard projection for Google Maps. This projection allows you to see street level details in the world, as long as you're in a certain latitude range. Here are some advantages of this projection. 1. The Mercator projection is more accurate for calculating distances. A major advantage of the Mercator projection is that it's easy to print and use for navigation. Mercator projections make countries with higher GDP per capita appear larger. The downside is that it skews people's perception of the world. The Mercator projection is the most common type of map projection used for maps on the internet, and it's the one most people are familiar with. But beware, this projection has its own problems.

Using the compass widget

Using the compass widget for east, west, north and south directions on Google Maps is an old feature that has been brought back to the app. The old compass icon is now replaced by an "Search Along Route" icon. You can use the "Search Along Route" icon to find the north point of your current location. Shweta, a Google community manager, announced this change on a support thread. Google recently announced new features and a new compass. To use the compass icon, find and tap the location icon on the map view. A blue beam icon will appear on the map view. The icon will automatically adjust to the direction you are traveling. For example, if it points towards the north, you are heading north. If the arrow points to the south, you are heading east. If you accidentally tap the compass icon, you can easily remove it.

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